Friday, September 5, 2008

Alisa's dream:

The dream started out with a prologue. Two criminals were escaping from some crime scene and were making their get-away down a railroad track on one of those self-pumping teeter-totter type track devices. They're working away, when they hear a train coming up right behind them. The scene cuts away but you know they were killed. Now I'm in my house, and I have a toy mask of one of the criminals' faces with suction cups on the back. I'm throwing it at the glass in the kitchen door so it sticks (which, incidentally, looks like a film "detective" door with the frosted glass window in the middle) and my mom keeps telling me to stop, but I keep throwing it, pulling it off, and throwing it again. Finally she takes it away and I'm upset. My grandpa is there, and he says, "You want a head?" then pulls his head from off of his shoulders and there's spaghetti inside his neck. And then I woke up.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Brian's dream:

I have had this dream on and off for the last 20+ years. I’m in my hometown walking my way to my grandmother’s house; along the way Dracula, Frankenstein and John Cougar Mellencamp (strange I know) start following me. When I start to run they get closer and I run until they are just about to get me. As they reach out to grab me, I stop running and they begin to fall back. The slower I move, the further away they get so I walk in slow motion and when I get to my grandmother’s house the dream ends.

Tim's dream:

As a child, cause I don't remember my dreams anymore, I had a dream where the Huxtables on the Cosby show bought a possessed painting and there was this one scene where they left the painting leaning up against their couch in the living room and I saw the person in the painting move and cackle. It later caused other crazy things to happen in the house, like an alligator in the bathtub and a fire in the oven.

I had a weird childhood.

Rick's dream:

A recurring dream (for at least the last 8 years) is one where I remember driving along a mountain road and looking down at a gorgeous lake. I always seem to be headed to a chalet type home on the lake which I own. When I get to the house, I get the feeling that someone has been using the place without my permission. I spend the rest of my dream looking for clues of mischievous trespass.

Henry's dream:

Flying, everywhere

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chelsea's dream:

I'm at my hairdresser's house, and it's completely flooded, and there are alligators. And we're all climbing on the furniture to get away from them.

Adina's dream:

I have been captured by Captain Hook and am in the process of walking the plank. My friends (these people change as I get older) are all tied to a pole and watch on helplessly. With the tip of the sword pressed into my belly, I jump to my death, only to land on something hard. It starts to move; it is Moby Dick. The ocean then turns into a giant swimming pool and Moby takes me far, far away (aka to the other side of the pool).

Tom K's dream:

Most vividly remembered: shortly after my first child was born, I dreamt I was in a hospital because something was horribly wrong with her, though nobody had an idea what. A doctor carried her out of an exam room and handed her to me, telling me that she only had about 30 seconds to live. My wife and I started to panic and then, thankfully, I woke up (and ran over to my kid's room to check on her!).

Brandon's dream:

I was about six years old and I dreamt that I was somehow both Jeoffrey the giraffe from Toys ‘R Us and Thomas Jefferson at the same time (including wearing formal British wear with a powdered wig on my giraffe head and buckled shoes on my giraffe legs). I also happened to be taking a shower (in a really short shower for a giraffe) and unfortunately, I had to pee. I had a thirty second debate about whether or not it was cool to pee in the shower that took place in a very formal internal monologue that I think was supposed to be how I thought Jefferson probably talked...I decided it was. Then I started peeing in real life.

Nancy's dream:

Most vividly remembered: I’m on an island in Penobscot Bay. All the people in La Grande Jatte are there as well. They’re threatening me somehow but I’ve safely hidden myself from them in a cave formed by the boulders.

Christina's dream:

They're all variations of the same basic dream. I'm always in a house with cracked-open floors and really teeny tiny staircases and doors that I can't fit through. Occasionally a home invasion is involved.

J's dream:

The dream starts off differently each time. I’ll be involved in something normal, walking through the house, hanging out with friends, when suddenly everything becomes slightly off and I know I’m in ‘this dream’ again. I will suddenly find myself alone, or maybe the lighting will be different, or I realize it has become ‘too quiet.’ The important thing to realize is that I am now fully aware that I am dreaming and I know what is about to happen and I try to wake up but I can’t. From somewhere nearby, a dark corner, an open door, some ‘thing’ rushes at me. I don’t know the nature of this thing, I’ve never seen it. My sense is that it’s something relatively small, child-sized, some sort of evil energy. Whatever it is, just before it reaches me, I wake up and when I wake up, it’s that ‘straight out of REM’ awake where I’m totally paralyzed for what feels like hours but is probably only a couple of seconds.

Tom's dream:

4 vertically arranged circles and 4 vertically arranged squares. A straight line emanates from each circle toward the adjacent square. About halfway, the line becomes jagged before arriving at the square. The squares are somewhat jagged and wavering as well. A disembodied me moves back and forth from circles to squares: the circles are smooth and pleasant, the squares are rough and rubbing velvet against velvet.

Dusty's dream:

Recurring dream: I wake up, drink coffee, go to work, come home, drink beer, and go to sleep. Then I wake up.

Wayne's dream:

I keep trying to escape from a Nazi prison and failing. When I fail, the dream restarts and I do things slightly differently. Eventually, I knock out a guard, put on his uniform, pass inspection, and slip out of the prison, where my friend is waiting with his car running.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chelsea's autobiography:

But I Could Have Just Made That Up

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tom's autobiography:

Thomas Carroll: Mortal Scholar

Adina's autobiography:

When Big Mouths Happen to Small People