Friday, February 13, 2009

Matt's pain:

Two bone marrow biopsies... I was actually sweating when he was finally done.

Rob McK's pain:

When I was battling Crohn's Disease and was hospitalized for it in high school and college. It was the most intense and excruciating abdominal pain imaginable. It would come in blasts and last for several minutes which felt like an eternity. All that could be done is to hold on and wait it out. This would occur several times a day for many weeks at a time.

Tim's pain:

Falling with all my weight on my right ankle playing soccer. The doctor thought I'd fractured my tibia. Instead I sprained my ankle in a really weird place.

Erica's pain:

dog + ice cube = puddle
puddle + bare feet = fall
ceramic tile floor + elbow = radial head fracture
radial head fracture = fetal position on floor + dogs trying to lick my head

Chelsea's pain:

I don't want to say it was this past week, because I'm afraid the worst isn't over yet.

Ross's pain:

Breaking my hand. 5th metacarpal was at about a 45 degree angle at the break. X-ray photos, if I could find them, are pretty fantastic.

Nancy's pain:

E. coli colon spasms

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rick's pain:

Way back in 1976, I slipped on sidewalk ice and fell forward and put my arms out to stop the fall. Unfortunately my left hand hit the ice and shot forward, dislocating my left shoulder. The worst pain was when I grabbed my arm and yanked it down to pop it back in. Almost passed out from the pain. I've only dislocated the shoulder four times since then. It gets easier to pop it back in.

Kareem's pain:

Broken arm. Actually, to be more specific, having a broken arm set by
the doctor.

Stephen's pain:

Probably when I fractured my leg

Brandon's pain:

I had my one of my front teeth knocked clean out when I was 16. We called 911 and found the tooth. Then, on the way to the dentist, as I was in the ambulance, the EMS guy was instructed to simply stick it back in.

That hurt.

Tom K's pain:

The U.S. Navy chemical attack trainer (gas chamber) in Guantanamo Bay Cuba (cue ominous music….). A bunch of us piled into a semi trailer with our gas masks on, then a guy lit off a canister of combination tear gas / inert nerve agent. Then we had to take off our masks, hold them above our heads, count out loud to 10, and put our masks back on. The pain was severe enough, but it also was total-body and lung/mouth/eyes burning that was suffocating and pretty terrifying. Good times….

Tina's pain:

When I was 12 years old, I had 4 teeth pulled before I got my braces. The pain that I felt when they put the Novocaine in the roof of my mouth (there isn't much flesh there) is the worst physical pain I've experienced!

Beth's pain:

Response withheld at the submitter's request. [Editor's note: See photo]

Dusty's pain:

When I woke up after my first knee surgery in the hospital room.
Pain which surpasses description is the best description available.

Christina's pain:

This might be too much information, but my menstrual cramps are the worst. More specifically, those of January 2009. Way worse than all of my broken bones and surgeries.

Matt's pain:

Putting pressure on my broken ankle

Wayne's pain:

Having my arm broken by a guy twice my size jumping on it