Thursday, December 31, 2009

Stephen's national flag:


Mike's national flag:

When i was a kid, it was Brazil, which i still find pretty beautiful. But i would have to say Nepal. Also, even though it's hard to see as a discrete image apart from our experiences, the US flag is pretty f-ing cool-looking.

Eugene's national flag:


Rick's national flag:

Flag of the good old USA

Tom K's national flag:

Canada -- I've always been partial. I think they've got the best national anthem, too.

Matt's national flag:

Antarctica over Nepal by a nose. Nepal's isn't square, which is awesome, but Antarctica's is simply a map of Antartica! What's the point of flags if we all just draw the geographic shape of the country on them? I love it.

Nancy's national flag:


Henry's national flag:


Jamie's national flag:

Sri Lanka

Dusty's national flag:


Wheels' national flag:

Nepal, obviously

Christina's national flag:

Qatar! I could make a dress out of that.

Amy's national flag:

1. Bangladesh: it's like green eggs and Japan
2. Antarctica: so literal