Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eugene's Crayola color:


Beth's Crayola color:


Mike's Crayola color:

Those all suck. Indian red.

Matt's Crayola color:

Mauvelous over Purple mountains' majesty by a crayon point.

Stephen's Crayola color:


Erica's Crayola color:

Electric lime. (But if it was SNOZZberry jam, I'd select that)

Rick's Crayola color:

Pine green

Chelsea's Crayola color:

Midnight blue

Tim's Crayola color:

Purple heart

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tom k's Crayola color:

Atomic tangerine

Sara's Crayola color:

Wild blue yonder

Amy's Crayola color:

Beaver. Beaver beaver beaver. I love beaver.

(What were they thinking?)

Adina's Crayola color:

A toss-up between outer space, bittersweet, and macaroni and cheese

Nancy's Crayola color:

Robin egg blue

Henry's Crayola color:


Wheels' Crayola color

Tropical rain forest

Wayne's Crayola color:

Midnight blue

Nancy's lucky break:

Being born white and middle class in mid-century America

Alisa's lucky break:

It happens about once a week when I narrowly avoid being doored by a car while biking.

Brian's lucky break:

When I was a kid, my family was on a road trip from PA to Disney World (Griswold style, complete with the wood-grain station wagon); we stopped to get a bite to eat at a Wendy’s somewhere along 95 and as I got out of the car, I saw some cash flying around under our car. I bent down and under the car next to us was a wad of cash, probably close to $1,000. We scooped it up, called the police and waited; after 3 hours waiting in the Wendy’s for the person to show up and collect their money, the cops told us that it was ours to keep. Kind of unbelievable at the time and even more so now!

Erica's lucky break:

Either: 1) getting a free upgrade to First Class on our honeymoon on the flight from Alice Springs to Cairns, Australia, or 2) bags of free booze from a Northwest stewardess who wanted to make up for stupid people who refused to let me sit next to Stephen.