Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brian's gelato:

Fragola con Tequila and Champagne Mango

Sara's gelato:

Burnt Sugar
Nocciola Piemontese
Cioccolatto scuro

Stephen's gelato:

Burnt sugar
Peanut butter

Tom K's gelato:

Pistacchio Siciliano

Ringo's gelato:

I've never had this combo, but it sounds good right now: cioccolato scuro, uva nera, thai coconut milk. Please deliver it to me now. Thank you.

Erica's gelato:

Saigon Cinnamon
Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla
Dulce De Leche

Amy's gelato:

Pompelmo Rosso con Campari
Dark and Stormy
Fragola con Tequila

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wayne's gelato:

Dark chocolate, fior di latte, and pistachio

Rick's phobia:

Operating a motorcycle

Jamie's phobia:


Erica's phobia:

Puppets of people (not animals), but more specifically marionettes. Creepy little bastards.

Brandon's phobia:


Monday, June 8, 2009

Nancy's phobia:

Public speaking

Beth's phobia:


Tom K's phobia:

Having a human-replicant on the other side of the wall punch a hole through to me, grab my hand and pull it back through to him. Then, one by one, he breaks each of my fingers. I saw Blade Runner at a much too impressionable age, apparently, ‘cause that scene has haunted me my whole freakin’ life.

Sara's phobia:


Christina's phobia:


Amy's phobia:

Drowning. Even though I would spend 10 hours a day in water if I could. Also shark attacks, but mainly because the shark would drown me as a sideline to biting my legs off.

Ringo's phobia:

Weeds growing out of strange places in the sidewalk or on the side of a building.

Chelsea's phobia:

Day to day, storms. Back of my mind/nightmares, worldwide epidemic (disease, zombies, etc).

Henry's phobia:


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wayne's phobia:

Clowns really freak me out, but I am more irrationally afraid of needles.