It's so hard to choose the worst, but if this one isn't it, it's a strong contender. What follows is a review of Evil, part of a 2006 Philadelphia Film Festival writeup I never finished.
Having attended this film festival for a number of years, worked for the company that puts it together, and gotten to know some of the motivations, opinions, and personalities of its staff, I feel pretty confident that I can read through the festival guide each year with something of a sixth sense. While the provided synopsis of a film will let any reader know if the general premise and/or themes will appeal to him or her, I have learned to read between the lines to determine the actual quality of the film. It’s more zen than science, and it’s not foolproof, but I get better at it each year.
My newfound skill this year was the discernment of a regretful review. Basically, if a review contains even a few words that sound remotely like an apology, the film should be avoided at all costs. For example, the festival guide was excited to point out that Variety had this to say about Evil, a "splat-stick" zombie comedy from Greece:
"Effects work … is way above a low-budget level, and the gore quotient is satisfyingly high."
Incriminating ellipsis aside, it’s not hard to imagine this quote being a polite way of saying:
"For the artless debut of a Peter Jackson fanboy with no skill, no wit, no charm, a cast of tens, and one consumer-grade miniDV camera manned by a Parkinson’s patient, this movie is actually kind of impressive."
And that’s what it was, minus the impressive. Of course, I can’t speak for the second half of it, since I was pedaling away from the theater less than forty-five minutes from when it began.