Friday, August 22, 2008

Tim's precious:

A quilt made for me by a very good friend

Chelsea's precious:

My blue shoes

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cordelia's precious:

A brown stuffed bear my dad gave me when I was born

Amy's precious:

A photo of me and my brother when we were little

Stacy's precious:

My bike--lots of good memories and good transportation

Dusty's precious:

A quilt from my grandmother

Adina's precious:

An old photo of my grandfather and my grandmother. It is too red and out of focus, and my grandmother looks fairly miserable (which was not the norm for her), but my grandfather has this crazy look in his eye and the biggest smile I have ever seen on the man's face. His hair is also enormously big, Albert Einstein-esque, how his hair typically looked when we dropped by unannounced.

Tom K's precious:

Family photo albums

Heather's precious:

My treadmill

Rick's precious:

My woodworking tools

Wheels' precious:

My laptop

Stephen's precious:

My journals and notebooks

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Erin's precious:

My books. I know because I just got rid of almost everything I own.

Jamie's precious:

My watch

Brandon's precious:

A letter that I got from my dad when I graduated college

Henry's precious:

My laptop

Beth's precious:

My grandmother's rocking chair

Brian's precious:

My computer

Ethan's precious:

The Paganello umbrella

Allison's precious:

My quilt (each square of fabric is related to some memory from the past, whether it be from my prom dress, costumes that I wore in high school musicals, boxers made for guy friends in college, Barbie clothes sewed by hand when I was little, etc.)

Mike's precious:

The thousands of photos I have of my kids

Wayne's precious:

My books--particularly my beaten-up copy of Ulysses

Cordelia's food foe:


Sunday, August 17, 2008