Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dusty's time travel:

IF we can cheat, like Tim, I'm going forward to the last 3 days of human existence so that I can have 4 days to Have the Last Word.
ELSE, I'm going backward to whatever. It's all been done. Maybe to listen to Godel and Einstein talk amongst themselves?

Rick's time travel:

A week in August 1752 to spend time with Benjamin Franklin at the height of his inventive period.

Tim's time travel:

I'm going forward in time, bitches! To the day when the Wolverines defeat the Russians and all of America celebrates. This is completely contingent upon my being a member of the Wolverines. If you don't get the reference go do yourself a favor and rent Red Dawn. [Editor's note: Tim just blew my mind by selecting a mid-'80s fictional representation as a future past.]

Nancy's time travel:

1820s-30s -- to participate in the invention of photography, either with Fox Talbot's circle at Lacock Abbey (Wiltshire) or in France (Chalon-sur-Saone with Nicephore Niepce or Paris with Daguerre).

Brian's time travel:

I'm going to go with Kennedy’s assassination and look for the second shooter on the grassy knoll.

Eugene's time travel:

Egypt when they were building pyramids. It'd be awesome to see how they accomplished that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Henry's time travel:

I'd go back to last week and buy a few lottery tickets, then come back to now and retire. [Editor's note: Yawn.]

Terry's time travel:

I thought about choosing historical events like seeing if Jesus could perform miracles or if he was just doing card tricks, seeing what really happened at Roswell, New Mexico, or seeing how the pyramids were built…but according to this – you only go back in time once and I don’t want to waste it, so I chose: Hedonism II’s Salute to Saline week in Jamaica, May 1998.

Tom K's time travel:

18-25 October 1805, aboard the HMS Victory (Nelson's flagship during the battle of Trafalgar)

Wheels' time travel:

1 AD, Rome

Wayne's time travel:

London, 1922. Fascinating time for history and literature: Europe deals with post-war modernization and Eliot, Woolf, and Joyce publish The Waste Land, Mrs. Dalloway, and Ulysses.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Alisa's costume:

Princess Daisy (from the Mario Bros. universe)

Adina's costume:

I think I was ten, and my mom glued a bunch of noodles on a piece of cardboard and voila, I was a noodle. Of course, that was also the year it rained all night, so by the time i got home, all the noodles had semi-cooked and fallen off so I was just cardboard.

Ginger's costume:

Anna Valerious from the movie Van Helsing--complete with steel-boned corset, weapons (fake unfortunately), and thigh-high boots.

Wheels' costume:

Superman – 3 years in a row

Stephen's costume:

In 5th grade (I think) I was a domino. I won a prize in school for my costume.